Sunday, November 8, 2009


Last night we had Vision UNCW Film Festival at The Brown Coat Pub and Theater in downtown Wilmington. I may be biased - well yeah I'm definitely biased - but this Vision 2009 rocked all of our eyeballs out. I have never been to a student film festival that made my head want to explode and Dunk-a-roos fly out - like Visions did. Rich from Brown Coat in Downtown Wilminton not only let us use the space for free, he gave 25 cents per beer bought to The Good Sheperd soup kitchen and homeless shelter! That was the sweetest part of the whole thing for me. Well I guess other than the epic films submitted by my peers at UncW. We held two screenings this year since last year I had to personally turn away about 30 people at the door last year. We called it Double Visions. The turn out was great. We gots peeps in the seats. We packed the theater out for both showings. Audience members got mirrors for the preshow. We projected $5 Walmart DVD bin movies out on the audience and had them guess the film. Whoever guessed the film correctly got to keep the DVD. We made a ton of money for The Good Sheperd. The Dean made an appearance. We ate pizza and sang karaoke. It was amazing. There were mystery shots involved.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

today i had my body drained

so this weird doctor I went to one time said " hey maybe you are crazy all the time because you have diabetes." So them my mom said OMG YOU TOTALLY HAVE DIABETES! that would explain why you are so crazy. I just got tested for diabetes in Jacksonville this morning. It took 2 hours and they drew a pint of blood 4 times. I wish earlier on I had said " I don't have diabetes but I can tell you why I'm crazy all the time eh hem throat clearing:
I work 2 jobs
I work for Cucalorus
I run everywhere
i don't have any money
I'm a senior and I'm over school
I'm directing a film
I repeatedly date man boys
I want to have the best life ever
I'm friends with Erin, Courtney, and Emily - no wait that keeps me sane
Ive eaten my body weight in peanut butter within the last two years
Candyruns through my veins.
i want to go to the mountains and the fair.
i have add and anxiety
im ready to get out of here

I want to say that its awesome though that I got my blood drawn at a drug testing place. There are no locks on the bathroom and they thermometer all the pee. My nurse said that one time a guy gave her his urine and it was 120 degrees hahahaha cause he warmed up someone else's urine with a lighter. I dig that.

I miss Racheal

My friend Racheal Passed away. She is kickass. She always will be kickass. I thought I was doing pretty ok with her passing until I saw that stupid trailer for Sandra Bullock's new movie about her adopting a football player. It reminded me of that movie Radio. Racheal loved that movie. It was awful. I went over to her house one day and she was crying watching the movie and I called her retarded and punched her. I miss her. I love you and I wish I hadn't punched you that one time.