Wednesday, April 29, 2009


casey fulwiler deserves a whole blog entry dedicated to her awesomeness. She sat by the phone and listened to 107.5 for two days. To me thats already quite a punishment, BUT OH NO! Casey called in and answered 4 YES 4 TRIVIA QUESTIONS about Kings of Leon. She got all four = 2 free tickets = joselyn got to go to KINGS OF LEON AT KOKA BOOTH fo free. Oh yes oh yes. soak that in. I'd never been to Koka booth amphitheater before. open air. libre aire. treees grass. we got there late, walked up to the front, and immediately KOl took the stage. I didn't know it was them. they got all mainstream and cut their hair. And the bass player smoked two packs of cigarettes during the show. not as cool as you would think. but yeah actually still pretty cool. i'm not promoting cigarettes, just coolness. 
I'll load some pics as soon as casey gets them. 
i was inspired to lock down Bonnaroo this summer. I'm going. I'm trying to volunteer, but its looking like I'd have to miss too much class. I fyou want to go lemme know. We can caravan and create a tent city at Bonnaroo. then we can set up a mock government and charge taxes and create our own laws. It will be groundbreaking and earthshaking. 
swine flu.
scary. $$ imma make saweet face masks and sell them for moneys and it will start trends. 

its not the end of the world people. the end will be a lot cooler. 
improv meeting May 7th at 7 if you are interested. 
nbd. le bon temps. SHIZAM. 
wthe. j
i need a new name too. dear goodness. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

sickness is the new black

this is how i feel right now.its good and bad. mostly good. but the bad's still there.

is different from being ill. like i usually am.

naps and sleep in general are bad news for me. it feels like i'm being lazy. I know that is odd for my age group, BUT THATS THE COLD HARD TRUTH. I think that creating and directing the HUGELY AWESOME Cheese Sandwich Film Festival was like giving birth for my body. Stan brakhage style. I worried about it and didn't sleep and I ate crappily and still went running. I did some damage to my sweet sweet sweet bod. So now I'm paying for it. Which I will do quietly because that was the best night of my life and my GPA hasn't dropped considerably. What else can you ask for?

Well for starters I would like to cohost a Travel Channel/National Geographic show. I could tell you the details of the show, but I'll save that for you when it gets picked up. Fingers crossed.

I'd like Le BonTemps to take over the Dance Electronica Circuit and play at Bonnaroo next year and get a European Tour next summer.


I'd like to get SUPPORT SAFE TEXT launched so that the texters of the world stop killing innocent pedestrians. Because seriously none of us have ever texted something important enough to kill someone over. Our PSA for Support Safe Text is awesome. Look out for the finished video. I'd like to get my Screenplay SHOT ASAP. Well by Asap I mean in the next 6 months. I'd Like to be able to paint again. Mostly pictures about the universe. thats where my heart is.

I'd like for my family to be happy.

Go NCSSM Unicorns

Mom less stressed. Dad work.

I'd like to be able to breathe.

oh and f spanish. seriously. and cats. except these following cats are rad.

one week until i change my name. can you dig it? its out of this world. literally.hint

thank you for your time. GO BOYZ TUESDAY. Dance for kids with Alopaecia tonight or something. charliebrownz. 11. yes. pbr yes yes. i'll be there in spirit form.

and April 24th Atomic Scramble at Jengos food alcohol fun music. LE BONTEMPS OH YES OH YES

5 year plan to take over the world. starts now. who's in?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What's in a name?

I need to discuss something with you all. Really I have a question that needs answering. Why are we so hung up on our names? Why do we keep names we don't like? Why do we walk around with a name we don't care for all our lives? I'm trying to figure this all out. I don't like the name Joselyn McDonald. I'm not crazy. I know there are far worse names out there. But I always felt like I should have a more Shizamworthy name. I'm working on finding the perfect one. This is a big commitment. I actually understand how daunting it is for parents to do this. It's like being pregnant minus the whole relationship part, sex part, & breast milk parts. I googled top 2009 Girl's names: here they are Girls Aspen Florence Charlotte London Kenya Geneva Savannah India Sydney Dakota DOES anyone else see a pattern?

I'm currently working on my name change doc. Interestingly we are having trouble coming up with a name for it. haha irony

that is how i feel about everyone in my life right now. this is the sunshine im feeling.

i would like to be rich and successful just to own this...

Actually, I was just reading about men with fetishes on the internet the other day. Apparently, you can find people with really strong foot fetishes and then send them pictures of your feet and then they pay your rent or your electricity bill. I want in on that. I want in on that real bad. I have good feet too. Not to toot my own horn, but I have all my toes! That's already a leg up on some people. Plus, my toes are slope down quite nicely from biggest to smallest.

mine are the cute ones. suck it danielle and casey

Maybe instead of paying my bills the fetisher? could buy me a bike or a projector or a 8mm camera. I'm not really picky.

If you know anyone interested shoot me an email.

ok im creeping myself out now. maybe this is a bad idea.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


The cheese sandwich film festival was a success. thats an understatement actually. We ripped a hole in the space time continuum with a blade of awesomeness.

I apologize to those that couldn't get in. The CSFF 2009 wound up being the most exclusive club in Wilmington on that glorious Wednesday night.

Fortress of Swatches rocked it for real

***Raf Taylor's Film 4 gin and tonics, 4 beers, 2 key bumps, and marijuana won fan favorite! And yes. he got the santa. don't worry.

**Scheli Boley and John Gray tied with The Unbearable Lightness of Cheese and Black and White Unite - respectively

*My film got THIRD! Its called The Cheese Stands Alone Its about time that a cheese sandwich film got its break. HELLZ YEAH

It is quite odd and amazing and Shizam worthy that we got people so damn excited about Cheese Sandwiches and Film and the combination. Although,Scraping melted cheese of George Foreman grills was not the best. Oh wait. Yes it was.

Brandon Smith Our projectionist and film coordinator won the Cheese Sandwich COOOKOFFF!
and no it wasn't rigged. Brandon could have one first or first place.

I met amazing people- which is a hobby of mine- this particular booya night. Thank you all for helping me out! I couldn't have done it with out my crew or Dan! who is actually in my crew. WE ARE DEFINITELY HAVING A CSFF NEXT YEAR! If not I fail my honors thesis. Email me or comment me CS suggestions for next year!

Thank you again everybody for the best night of my life.
