Wednesday, April 29, 2009


casey fulwiler deserves a whole blog entry dedicated to her awesomeness. She sat by the phone and listened to 107.5 for two days. To me thats already quite a punishment, BUT OH NO! Casey called in and answered 4 YES 4 TRIVIA QUESTIONS about Kings of Leon. She got all four = 2 free tickets = joselyn got to go to KINGS OF LEON AT KOKA BOOTH fo free. Oh yes oh yes. soak that in. I'd never been to Koka booth amphitheater before. open air. libre aire. treees grass. we got there late, walked up to the front, and immediately KOl took the stage. I didn't know it was them. they got all mainstream and cut their hair. And the bass player smoked two packs of cigarettes during the show. not as cool as you would think. but yeah actually still pretty cool. i'm not promoting cigarettes, just coolness. 
I'll load some pics as soon as casey gets them. 
i was inspired to lock down Bonnaroo this summer. I'm going. I'm trying to volunteer, but its looking like I'd have to miss too much class. I fyou want to go lemme know. We can caravan and create a tent city at Bonnaroo. then we can set up a mock government and charge taxes and create our own laws. It will be groundbreaking and earthshaking. 
swine flu.
scary. $$ imma make saweet face masks and sell them for moneys and it will start trends. 

its not the end of the world people. the end will be a lot cooler. 
improv meeting May 7th at 7 if you are interested. 
nbd. le bon temps. SHIZAM. 
wthe. j
i need a new name too. dear goodness. 

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