Sunday, November 8, 2009


Last night we had Vision UNCW Film Festival at The Brown Coat Pub and Theater in downtown Wilmington. I may be biased - well yeah I'm definitely biased - but this Vision 2009 rocked all of our eyeballs out. I have never been to a student film festival that made my head want to explode and Dunk-a-roos fly out - like Visions did. Rich from Brown Coat in Downtown Wilminton not only let us use the space for free, he gave 25 cents per beer bought to The Good Sheperd soup kitchen and homeless shelter! That was the sweetest part of the whole thing for me. Well I guess other than the epic films submitted by my peers at UncW. We held two screenings this year since last year I had to personally turn away about 30 people at the door last year. We called it Double Visions. The turn out was great. We gots peeps in the seats. We packed the theater out for both showings. Audience members got mirrors for the preshow. We projected $5 Walmart DVD bin movies out on the audience and had them guess the film. Whoever guessed the film correctly got to keep the DVD. We made a ton of money for The Good Sheperd. The Dean made an appearance. We ate pizza and sang karaoke. It was amazing. There were mystery shots involved.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

today i had my body drained

so this weird doctor I went to one time said " hey maybe you are crazy all the time because you have diabetes." So them my mom said OMG YOU TOTALLY HAVE DIABETES! that would explain why you are so crazy. I just got tested for diabetes in Jacksonville this morning. It took 2 hours and they drew a pint of blood 4 times. I wish earlier on I had said " I don't have diabetes but I can tell you why I'm crazy all the time eh hem throat clearing:
I work 2 jobs
I work for Cucalorus
I run everywhere
i don't have any money
I'm a senior and I'm over school
I'm directing a film
I repeatedly date man boys
I want to have the best life ever
I'm friends with Erin, Courtney, and Emily - no wait that keeps me sane
Ive eaten my body weight in peanut butter within the last two years
Candyruns through my veins.
i want to go to the mountains and the fair.
i have add and anxiety
im ready to get out of here

I want to say that its awesome though that I got my blood drawn at a drug testing place. There are no locks on the bathroom and they thermometer all the pee. My nurse said that one time a guy gave her his urine and it was 120 degrees hahahaha cause he warmed up someone else's urine with a lighter. I dig that.

I miss Racheal

My friend Racheal Passed away. She is kickass. She always will be kickass. I thought I was doing pretty ok with her passing until I saw that stupid trailer for Sandra Bullock's new movie about her adopting a football player. It reminded me of that movie Radio. Racheal loved that movie. It was awful. I went over to her house one day and she was crying watching the movie and I called her retarded and punched her. I miss her. I love you and I wish I hadn't punched you that one time.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

this is what I like today.

yes its food porn.

I'm gonna make art and i don't give a shit.

plus i'm going to drink more alcohol and eat less cereal.

and today i drew a picture of my perfect house and it looked exactly like the one i'm living in and I realize thats how it should be.

and life is too short for chess.

and things aren't how they appear. They are worse. but at least thats kind of funny.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I went on a big adventure this weekend.

sometimes one feels like the universe is imploding on them. that is how i felt on Friday. i wonder if it was grounded in the odd feeling that i should also be graduating Saturday.... nah fuck that. unemployment is at 9 percent. i'll stay in school doing what i love for one more year. then i'll skedaddle to nyc or austin or portland or london. life is good.

but i got to see my charming friends in raleigh. we rode a limo cab downtown. we noticed that the progress energy building had all its lights on at 2 am on a friday night. thats just crazywasteful. and ironic since they've gone "green". i should write them a nasty gram.

then i headed west to hike at umpstead state park exit 287 on I 40. i cried a little there too and put my feet in a river. i found a rock that was probably the coolest thing i've owned in a while. i don't really even think i own it to be honest.

then i went to chapel hill and watched their graduation. i saw a freind i haven't seen since highschool just walking down franklin st. i drank some coffee and met john at a vintage clothing store. we laughed. i want to make him some shorts. i will make him shorts.

i went to Durham and ate at DAle's Indian Restuarant. Dale gave me a free mimosa. i must have looked like i needed one. i ate the best indian food since i went to india. well i haven't been to india (in this lifetime) so it was just the best.

then i bought andre. 3 bottles. and watched blood diamond. i think all diamonds are worthless. but i thought that before the movie and i think it now. i'd rather have some orchids than diamonds. orchids live forever. plus diamonds are the same as pencil lead. Just SUPERHEATED. thats what i am right now. I'm super heated. and happy. i'm better and i want to get SHIZAM! the sketch comedy show going. i'm working on it.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


casey fulwiler deserves a whole blog entry dedicated to her awesomeness. She sat by the phone and listened to 107.5 for two days. To me thats already quite a punishment, BUT OH NO! Casey called in and answered 4 YES 4 TRIVIA QUESTIONS about Kings of Leon. She got all four = 2 free tickets = joselyn got to go to KINGS OF LEON AT KOKA BOOTH fo free. Oh yes oh yes. soak that in. I'd never been to Koka booth amphitheater before. open air. libre aire. treees grass. we got there late, walked up to the front, and immediately KOl took the stage. I didn't know it was them. they got all mainstream and cut their hair. And the bass player smoked two packs of cigarettes during the show. not as cool as you would think. but yeah actually still pretty cool. i'm not promoting cigarettes, just coolness. 
I'll load some pics as soon as casey gets them. 
i was inspired to lock down Bonnaroo this summer. I'm going. I'm trying to volunteer, but its looking like I'd have to miss too much class. I fyou want to go lemme know. We can caravan and create a tent city at Bonnaroo. then we can set up a mock government and charge taxes and create our own laws. It will be groundbreaking and earthshaking. 
swine flu.
scary. $$ imma make saweet face masks and sell them for moneys and it will start trends. 

its not the end of the world people. the end will be a lot cooler. 
improv meeting May 7th at 7 if you are interested. 
nbd. le bon temps. SHIZAM. 
wthe. j
i need a new name too. dear goodness. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

sickness is the new black

this is how i feel right now.its good and bad. mostly good. but the bad's still there.

is different from being ill. like i usually am.

naps and sleep in general are bad news for me. it feels like i'm being lazy. I know that is odd for my age group, BUT THATS THE COLD HARD TRUTH. I think that creating and directing the HUGELY AWESOME Cheese Sandwich Film Festival was like giving birth for my body. Stan brakhage style. I worried about it and didn't sleep and I ate crappily and still went running. I did some damage to my sweet sweet sweet bod. So now I'm paying for it. Which I will do quietly because that was the best night of my life and my GPA hasn't dropped considerably. What else can you ask for?

Well for starters I would like to cohost a Travel Channel/National Geographic show. I could tell you the details of the show, but I'll save that for you when it gets picked up. Fingers crossed.

I'd like Le BonTemps to take over the Dance Electronica Circuit and play at Bonnaroo next year and get a European Tour next summer.


I'd like to get SUPPORT SAFE TEXT launched so that the texters of the world stop killing innocent pedestrians. Because seriously none of us have ever texted something important enough to kill someone over. Our PSA for Support Safe Text is awesome. Look out for the finished video. I'd like to get my Screenplay SHOT ASAP. Well by Asap I mean in the next 6 months. I'd Like to be able to paint again. Mostly pictures about the universe. thats where my heart is.

I'd like for my family to be happy.

Go NCSSM Unicorns

Mom less stressed. Dad work.

I'd like to be able to breathe.

oh and f spanish. seriously. and cats. except these following cats are rad.

one week until i change my name. can you dig it? its out of this world. literally.hint

thank you for your time. GO BOYZ TUESDAY. Dance for kids with Alopaecia tonight or something. charliebrownz. 11. yes. pbr yes yes. i'll be there in spirit form.

and April 24th Atomic Scramble at Jengos food alcohol fun music. LE BONTEMPS OH YES OH YES

5 year plan to take over the world. starts now. who's in?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What's in a name?

I need to discuss something with you all. Really I have a question that needs answering. Why are we so hung up on our names? Why do we keep names we don't like? Why do we walk around with a name we don't care for all our lives? I'm trying to figure this all out. I don't like the name Joselyn McDonald. I'm not crazy. I know there are far worse names out there. But I always felt like I should have a more Shizamworthy name. I'm working on finding the perfect one. This is a big commitment. I actually understand how daunting it is for parents to do this. It's like being pregnant minus the whole relationship part, sex part, & breast milk parts. I googled top 2009 Girl's names: here they are Girls Aspen Florence Charlotte London Kenya Geneva Savannah India Sydney Dakota DOES anyone else see a pattern?

I'm currently working on my name change doc. Interestingly we are having trouble coming up with a name for it. haha irony

that is how i feel about everyone in my life right now. this is the sunshine im feeling.

i would like to be rich and successful just to own this...

Actually, I was just reading about men with fetishes on the internet the other day. Apparently, you can find people with really strong foot fetishes and then send them pictures of your feet and then they pay your rent or your electricity bill. I want in on that. I want in on that real bad. I have good feet too. Not to toot my own horn, but I have all my toes! That's already a leg up on some people. Plus, my toes are slope down quite nicely from biggest to smallest.

mine are the cute ones. suck it danielle and casey

Maybe instead of paying my bills the fetisher? could buy me a bike or a projector or a 8mm camera. I'm not really picky.

If you know anyone interested shoot me an email.

ok im creeping myself out now. maybe this is a bad idea.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


The cheese sandwich film festival was a success. thats an understatement actually. We ripped a hole in the space time continuum with a blade of awesomeness.

I apologize to those that couldn't get in. The CSFF 2009 wound up being the most exclusive club in Wilmington on that glorious Wednesday night.

Fortress of Swatches rocked it for real

***Raf Taylor's Film 4 gin and tonics, 4 beers, 2 key bumps, and marijuana won fan favorite! And yes. he got the santa. don't worry.

**Scheli Boley and John Gray tied with The Unbearable Lightness of Cheese and Black and White Unite - respectively

*My film got THIRD! Its called The Cheese Stands Alone Its about time that a cheese sandwich film got its break. HELLZ YEAH

It is quite odd and amazing and Shizam worthy that we got people so damn excited about Cheese Sandwiches and Film and the combination. Although,Scraping melted cheese of George Foreman grills was not the best. Oh wait. Yes it was.

Brandon Smith Our projectionist and film coordinator won the Cheese Sandwich COOOKOFFF!
and no it wasn't rigged. Brandon could have one first or first place.

I met amazing people- which is a hobby of mine- this particular booya night. Thank you all for helping me out! I couldn't have done it with out my crew or Dan! who is actually in my crew. WE ARE DEFINITELY HAVING A CSFF NEXT YEAR! If not I fail my honors thesis. Email me or comment me CS suggestions for next year!

Thank you again everybody for the best night of my life.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I have been so busy with the Cheese Sandwich Film Festival these past few weeks that I have not been blogging regularly. I apologize. As soon as the festival wraps up - if I don't take my own life out of grief- I will immediately begin blogging again!

Here's what you can expect from The Society of the Easily Amused ie Joselyn's Blog:

*Local News & Entertainment Updates.

*LE BON TEMPS the best beat group around updates! Well Tyler and I think so at least. We should be starting to perform live in a few weeks! yay!

*Daily What To Do Today in Wilmington - focusing on music, food, film, art, and fun! serious fun here people. FUN TO THE MAXIMUM!

*Style blogs featuring locals pushing fashion to the max. And not not just downtown. Maybe I'll see you at Burger King dressed to the nines and ask to take a picture of you. Then I'll ask you why I'm at Burger King.

*Updates on Wilmington Bike/Pedestrian Issues. I will be starting a UNC-Wilmington Bike/Ped on campus group. We will be discussing and pushing for a more bike/ped friendly campus and surrounding area. I don't know about you, but I feel close to death about 99 percent of the time I try to bike around campus. And Randall Parkway! College Road! They should be renamed Suicide Parkway and CLose to death road. BUT! if UNCW has a student push for change they will listen.


*DIY Arts and Crafts Ideas.

* Weird and Shizam worthy websites! I scour the internet for the best and brightest websites featuring a myriad of interesting tidbits to share with you all.


ATTN: If you don't like my blog or even if you like it but don't read it , I'll make you watch that Sarah McClaughlin commercial with the cat with one eye over and over again. Take That!

The New Royskopp album just dropped. I feel alive again. and I heard the Watchmen sucked. Oh and go to this website its Frommer's Magazine's website. It has REDONKULOUS tips and tricks for travel on the cheap. MY Forte! Well just being cheap is my forte but travel is good too. Then decide to send me a subscription because like I aforementioned... I'm cheap

I'm going here one day.

Love you.


Let me know if you want to enter the cheese sandwich cookoff! Check out for details!

Tickets will soon be available - later today.

cuddles. and kisses soxoxoodsofsdfaososooxooxox


oh and i"m changing my name! in 2 weeks prepare thyselves.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

Things to do. on a Muesday Night.

Thats a monday night or tuesday night. they are pretty much the same day in my opinion.

go here That is an excellent site for unnecessary knowledge - enough to fill your brain and push out all the necessary knowledge crap thats already in there.

Look on NYC Brooklyn/Manhattan's craiglist and salivate about how good the deals are currently while the world crumbles down around us.

Get annoyed that people blame things on the economy that have nothing to do with failed fiscal domestic policies.

Send some props to Hilary Clinton for fixing shit in the middle East. at least according to NPR this morning.

Eat girl scout cookies like me. oh yeah. its that time of year again. I read that obesity special interest groups are getting the girl scouts to sell healthy snacks next year so feast like its your last day on earth while Thin mints still exist.

Then go to you freaks.

Then dance party to la roux. twelve. Blowfishslapface2001 coming to a theater near you.

the jonas brothers have aids.

or diabetes. i forget.
"if you come at four o'clock in the afternoon, then by three o'clock I shall begin to be happy."

is that friendship or love? or both? whats the difference really.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

what's the csff?

tyler lets create a dance craze called the blowfishslapface2001. I'll show it to you later. we should vj at our next show. Les Bon Temps up date! We are getting to record this week at Screen Gems Recording Studio.

Watch Matt McCormick's The Subconscious Art of Graffiti Removal. i cried a little. it was perfect.

My mom bought an ab lounge and i put it together today. i was apart of that. i made something with my bare hands.

I don't really understand the difference between .001 and .00001 I can't conceptualize.

our waiter at Olive Garden was awkwards. he put way too much cheese on my dads plate. i sang on the phone to tyler.

my mom had Madeline stuck in her head today. i felt like a proud cheetah.

My favorite animal is a Zebra because they have good style and they just kick it and you are never upset when you see a zebra. Any day you see a Zebra is a good day. My second favorite animal is a Unicorn. Unicorns are cool and flashy and you only see them once in a while but when you see them its wicked magikal. this was a game Selena made me play apparently your number 1 animal is yourself and Number 2 animal is your perfect partner. my dad's favorite animal is a crocodile and his second is a bobcat. i don't know what that really mean.s but yeah i'm ok with being a zebra.
Iwrote 80 percent of my screen play tonight. its totally shit.

Also, I got an account to pitch a television show to travel channel. I found out they gave one of Hugh Hefner's ex gf's a show. Which means they are giving them out to just anyone. these days.

I saw Shannon and Andre's baby on Friday. he has a good personality. I gave them some of the Cheese Sandwich Film Festival Flyers.

behold them! Let me know if you see them around town or if you want to pass some out. We want to do a late night downtown spontaneous cheese sandwich giveaway. let me know if your interested in consuming and or assisting. many thanks.

i want to start a band called snow doubt.

ive decided i'm going to be a part time lawyer. i want to work like 4 days out of the week on law and 3 days on arting. law school will follow my first oscar. but for real. i'm a libra we like justice. joselyn means justice. and i like the music de Justice.

i heard the watchmen sucks.

i'm going to the watchmen on Saturday with my dad.

i heard it was awesome actually.

Russ finished his bumper for The Cheese Sandwich Film Festival. its romantic.
Watch it on his blog.

Visit - the world may end early (April 1st 2009 to be exact) because of its awesomeness.

Monday, February 23, 2009

thank me later.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Many Millions of Apologies.

People. My blog lovers. I know theres at least two of you. Well one maybe if you don't include my little sister. Actually, she's stop reading too. Who am I kidding? I write this for myself. Well to me, I apologize that I haven't been writing lately. Oh Joselyn, you are forgiven. Thank you.

Well that was easy.

Shut up Joselyn - Tell the good people the good news about "The Good Times" Le bon temps. Yeah thats us. Thats me and tyler. We made a Shizam Kablam (and I don't just throw those words around) song a few days ago. It was our own personal 72 hour song race. Check it out at - but only if you are going to dance. Unless you are paralyzed or somehow unable to dance then you don't have to, but if you can then do. We are building our own site soon, but for now we use Tyler's blog. We also have about 6 more songs in the works. They range from 70 to 90 percent done. Prepare your brain for impending explosion due to awesomeness. Thats our warning.

Our next song called Apocalypse 2012 should be out soon. Theres some Justice Vs. Simian sampling involved. sparkles. rainbow powers. we like Pegasuses. Pegasai?

Moving on. CSFF got an entry a day ago from Travis Varga. Theres a bunny involved named Pretzels. Its way better than Slumdog Billionaire or w/e its called. It makes Casablanca look like a student film. Come to the Cheese Sandwich Film Festival April, 1st 2009 to experience it. AND KEEP WORKING ON YOURS. or else. pirates.

I read a good today. Here goes : Today, My girlfriend came from behind me and put her hand in my back pockets. I though it was someone trying to take my wallet, I elbowed her in the nose and broke it. FML "Best of All Times"
Theres a lot of funny sexual ones, but a lot of kids read this. I mean tons. Its weird.

Brandon Smith took some pictures of me the other day downtown. I need some pictures and he needed to take some. It was a symbiotic relationship. Here are some of the results.

Brandon's website is if you want to see more of his stuff.

Filming for my Doc about changing my name begins April 3rd. I have a team together, but if you want to help - Do the damn thing.

Le bon temps
le bon temps
good times.

I have a million new websites to share. I'll post them tomorrow whilst I'm at work not working. A guy on Craigslist said he would give me his Rosetta Stone Cd-roms worth about 450$ but I'd have to find the codes. If anyone can help me. It would be appreciated. Also, operation Loft Joselyn's bed will be implemented this weekend. I know a lot of people were concerned. jam sucka jam. Throw some D's on that bitch. Tuesday night is my roomate Lynn's Bday and it will be GO BOYS TIME YUNG MAZOKST CHARLIE BROWNZ. THURSDAY is Taylor and Casey's Bday soooo 80's roller skating party? And yes on Friday I get to see Andre and Shannon's love child Kai. Be jealous.

I like candy.
The end.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life is wham. the band.

Tonight at 5312 South College Road, Coastal Carolina Tans is giving away free spray tans after 6. Do it. Inhale the spray tan fumes.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The (le) Bon (good) Temps (Times)

we are the bon temps. we sing what we like. listen to the newest instrumental version of On Gravity at i am happy. we like rehearsing at the park at mill creek because geese inspire us. its weird. we know. crystal castles vs. bon temps remix coming soon.